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Holiday block

27/10/2022, 28/10/2022, 17/11/2022,


The Hellenic Parliament Foundation does not collect personal data of the visitors of the web portal but only the initially anonymous technical identities collected from all websites internationally, such as the Internet Protocol (IP) address , the type of browser etc.


The above anonymous data are automatically registered in the log files and are kept for as long as is required for the smooth operation and security of the web portal, under a relevant duty of protection of the public interest. Exceptionally, this information could be used to identify a specific user of the portal only if there is a risk of malicious use.


Furthermore, the web portal uses the trackers (cookies) mentioned specifically here, which relate only to the current user session and are necessary to assist and utilize workload sharing systems and high availability.


Different personal data management policies apply to the access of certified users, which are communicated to users and are always governed by applicable personal data protection legislation.


The visitors of the web portal can at any time contact the Foundation of the Hellenic Parliament [Vas. Sofias 11, Athens 10671,, +30 210 373 5325] to receive any information regarding possible processing of their personal data and in case of affirmation, to exercise their rights to correct, change or delete or limit the processing, such as in particular provided for in the current legislation.


Also, the visitors of the web portal are entitled to submit a complaint to the Personal Data Protection Authority (, 1-3 Kifissias Ave., 11523 Ampelokipi, tel .: 2106475600).


In case of changes in the operation of the web portal, which may concern the processing of personal data, the Hellenic Parliamentary Foundation will modify this information and post it accordingly, so that all visitors are informed about it and effectively exercise their rights.