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27/10/2022, 28/10/2022, 17/11/2022,


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Exhibitions - Educational Programs

The programme of the bicentenary celebrations for the Greek War of Independence includes older as well as new exhibitions and the Foundations’ educational programmes. Their purpose is to showcase people and events from the Struggle for Independence through visual and archival material, as well as to familiarize students with concepts and institutions.



-  The First National Assembly at Epidaurus. 

The exhibition is housed at the old primary school at Nea Epidavros, which was renovated and is maintained at the expense of the Parliament. Moreover, an app has been created offering a virtual tour of the exhibition. 

The exhibition comprehensively presents one of the leading events of the Greek War of Independence, leading to the drafting of the first revolutionary Constitution. 


“I shall tell the naked truth”: Memoirs of the Veterans of the Greek Revolution. 

The Hellenic Parliament Foundation is planning an exhibition on the memoirs of veterans of the Greek War of Independence. The exhibition will be held at the Foundation’s exhibition hall in Athens and is expected to open in autumn 2021. Visitors to the exhibition shall meet the leading figures of the Greek War of Independence through their personal testimonies, as well as other forms of documents and sources. They will approach events of the past by comparing the autobiographical record with historical research. 



Different History Lessons

Digital Educational Records

New educational material constitutes an alternative proposal for teaching issues pertaining to history and democracy. This is based on modern educational concepts that allow the pupil to research, discover and develop critical thought and to perceive the meaning of the individual, as well as the social responsibility borne by citizens in every democratic society.

The educational programmes “Rigas and Revolution” and “Research and discussion about the Governor, Ioannis Capodistrias”, which will be digitised, were designed by the Department of Educational Programmes of the Hellenic Parliament Foundation.